

Srishti Infertility Clinic Annual conference & workshop 2024

"India, with its vast population of 145 crores, is facing a growing concern of childlessness. Despite an increase in life expectancy, the birth rate has significantly declined, from 3.35 in 2000 to 2.112 currently. The situation is more alarming in West Bengal, with a birth rate of just 1.2, as per the National Family Health Service report.

To address this issue, a team of dedicated infertility physicians and gynecologists is raising awareness and organizing a training camp for young doctors at the annual conference of Srishti Infertility Clinic. The one-day workshop will provide hands-on training on infertility treatment, focusing on advanced techniques like ultrasonography, robotic surgery, and IVF.

Renowned medical experts, including Dr. Deepyaman Ganguly, Principal Scientist at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, honoured by Vatnagar Prize, Dr. Sudeep Bose, and Dr. Nitin Chaubal, will lead the training session. Dr. Bose emphasized the importance of early treatment, stating that it yields better results at a relatively lower cost. He attributed the rising incidence of childlessness to lifestyle changes and encouraged routine tests to identify and treat underlying issues like hormonal imbalances, tube blockages, or cysts. If necessary, IVF or test tube baby procedures can be explored.

Infertility is a multifaceted problem, often caused by factors like egg or sperm abnormalities, fallopian tube defects, or endometrium lining issues. Artificial reproductive techniques (ART) can help bypass these problems by collecting eggs and sperm to create embryos in a laboratory. Raising awareness about these options is crucial."

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